Protober is a month long challenge where you need to come up with new gameplay idea/prototype every day! These are all my prototype up until now, updated daily.

Disclaimer: Want to make a games based on these prototype/ideas?
Go ahead! No need to mention/pay me at all (although I will be grateful if you do).
If you have spare time, consider following #protober too!

Proto 1
Day 1
Proto 2
Day 2
Proto 3
Day 3
Proto 4
Day 4
Proto 5
Day 5
Proto 6
Day 6
Proto 7
Day 7
Proto 8
Day 8
Proto 9
Day 9
Proto 10
Day 10
Proto 11
Day 11
Proto 12
Day 12
Proto 13
Day 13
Proto 14
Day 14
Proto 15
Day 15
Proto 16
Day 16
Proto 17
Day 17
Proto 18
Day 18
Proto 19
Day 19
Proto 20
Day 20
Proto 21
Day 21
Proto 22
Day 22
Proto 23
Day 23
Proto 24
Day 24
Proto 25
Day 25
Proto 26
Day 26
Proto 27
Day 27
Proto 28
Day 28
Proto 29
Day 29
Proto 30
Day 30
Proto 31
Day 31

Let me hear what you think!

PS: I also accept donation :)

All prototype created with love using PhaserJS.
Have any questions or feedback? Contact me via Twitter or email.

Copyright © Alif Harsan Pradipto 2016